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Understanding molecular functions at the single-molecule scale

The Blanchard Lab is located at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee ( Our mission is to develop novel approaches, including single-molecule fluorescence imaging methods, to examine conformational and compositional processes critical to the functions of biological systems.

News & Events

June 1, 2019: The Blanchard lab moves to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, TN to advance their research!!

May 2019: Congrats Justin Morse on your successful PhD thesis defense!

April 2019: Congratulations Chad Kurylo for successfully defending your PhD thesis! Good luck in your pursuits at Cornell's SC Johnson College of Business!

July 2018: Lab outing to celebrate Manuel Juette's new position at Charite University, Berlin

October 2017: Lab hike at Breakneck Ridge!

July 2017: Welcome to the Blanchard lab Jake Batchelder, IMP graduate student at Weill Cornell Medicine!

June 2017: Welcome to the Blanchard lab Emily Rundlet, TPCB graduate student! 

June 2016: Welcome to the Blanchard lab Gabriel Fitzgerald, PBSB graduate student at Weill Cornell Medicine!

June 2016: Congratulations! Mike Wasserman elects Post-Doctoral Research position in Dr. Shixin Liu's laboratory at Rockefeller University.

May 2016: Congratulations! Chad Kurylo awarded Weill Cornell Medicine Graduate Student Fellowship for excellence in research.

April 2016: Congratulations! Qinsi Zheng elects Post-Doctoral Research Position in Dr. Robert Singer's laboratory at Janelia Research Campus.

May 2016: Congratulations! Ben Burnett successfully defends his PhD Thesis research on the role of Elongation Factor Ts in translation regulation.

December 2015: Lab party at Paulaner!

December 2015: Qinsi Zheng successfully defends his PhD thesis research, "Self-Healing" Organic Fluorophores for Single-Molecule Microscopy and Spectroscopy". Congrats Qinsi!!

September 2015 - Angelica and Scott presented the manuscript, "Functional Dynamics within the Human Ribosome Regulate the Rate of Active Protein Synthesis" at the EMBL Translation Control meeting in Heidelberg.


June 2015: Welcome to the Blanchard lab Justin Morse, PBSB graduate student at Weill Cornell Medicine!

April 2015 - We have moved! We are now located on the 15th floor of the new Belfer Research Building.

Sep. 2014 - Angelica, Mike, and Ben present posters at the CSHL Translational Control meeting. 

July 2014 - Nurunisa Akyuz successfully defends her PhD thesis research, "Transport Dynamics in a Glutamate Transporter Homologue". Congrats Nurunisa!!

June 2014 - Mike Wasserman successfully defends his PhD thesis research, "Allosteric Control of the Ribosome by Small-Molecule Antibiotics". Congrats Mike!! 


May 2014 - Ben Burnett makes this website for the group. Thank you Ben!!

Contact us

Mailing Address

Scott C. Blanchard

Department of Structural Biology

MS 311, Room D1007

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

262 Danny Thomas Place

Memphis, TN 38105-3678

Email: Scott.Blanchard@STJUDE.ORG

Office phone: 

Office fax: 

Laboratory phone: (901) 595-1758


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